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About The Mill

The water wheel weighs over two tonnes yet can be turned from inside the Mill using just two fingers. The miller's stream originates in the Brendon Hills and is the same stream that provided the water when the wheel last turned fifty years ago, it is aptly called the Back stream !

Amongst the trades on display are the cooper's and saddler's shops, the blacksmith's shop and the Victorian kitchen, as well as a thatching display. The wheelwight's shop has been transported from Devon and preserved exactly as it was left the day the owner shut up shop for the last time.

Bishops Lydeard Mill has been painstakingly and precisely restored by the Back Family over many years. The Mill and the attached Mill House have been cited as places of historical interest and given a Grade 2 conservation listing. The aim of the project was to preserve a small piece of history in the picturesque village of Bishops Lydeard whilst also helping to shape the future into a better one for less fortunate people. Five charities receive all the proceeds and donations raised by patrons of the mill.

With authentic smells, a life-like wax model and a glowing furnace, the Blacksmith's forge exudes a real aura of bygone times; just mind your finger when the hammer falls! Blacksmith

Bishops Lydeard Mill is ideal for mill enthusiasts and families alike. 

Features include:

* Touch screens for more detailed information

* The Transport museum

* Small entertainment area for children which can be used whilst adults ‘sup tea!’ 

* Detailed, handcrafted models of various wagons and carriages plus two scenic displays of mills and a farm yard

* Fun interactive displays

* Clear and simple interpretations of the miller's equipment and its use

* A range of authentic sounds and smells that stimulate all the senses

* A real challenge for even the keenest of eyes... come and see to find out more

* Gifts and mementos available


Come and find out what a quern is... even children can grind their own corn.


Our full postal address is : 
Bishops Lydeard Mill
Mill Lane
Bishops Lydeard